Friday, November 23, 2018

Where did the Dharahara’s bricks go?

 As the work for the reconstruction of the prestigious Dharhar starts after three years of devastating earthquake, heritage conservationists and historians have expressed serious concerns over the condition of the bricks saved on the structure.

Heritage protectionist Rabindra Puri said, "We had requested the Archaeological Department and Kathmandu Metropolitan City to save bricks but they were thrown in Tundil."

Bricks from the Dhahara Dharara Tower were built in the Tundialel ground, which was largely unpredictable, which was in touch with elements till last September. And then KMC employees started transferring bricks.

KMC City Police Chief Bishnu Prasad Joshi said, "The broken bricks were taken at Dashrath Stadium and the race was on the track, while those who were still in good shape were handed over to the Archeology Department."

However, the DOA official said that KMC never handed bricks to the department from Dharara.

"We do not know where those bricks were taken," said DAO spokesman Ram Bahadur Kunwar, "Some bricks still live in Tundikel and we plan to use them for reconstruction of the stream."

When asked about the location of bricks from Bhimsen Thapa-era tower, KMC spokesman Gyanendra Karki said that he had no information on the matter and suggested that contact the post KMC city police.

As things stand, a large number of bricks rescued from the deviation of the Dharara tower are disappearing without any traces, fearing the heritage conservationists.

"It is a very negligence with the officials. Those bricks and artifacts are deeply linked to our identity, but now the government agencies who have to be protected have lost them," said Alok Siddhi Tuldhar of the Save Heritage Campaign.

Heritage Conservation of National Reconstruction Authority and Joint Secretary, Government Building Construction Department Raju Mann Manshar said that it is too late to raise the issue. "We believe that we were not concerned about this issue at the right time, and it is our fault.

The archaeological department must have worked on it, "he said.

Manandhar noted that all were not lost, describing the 16 feet peak of Shiva Murthy and the stream, which is safe in the Rooney Museum. Also known as Bhimsen Tower, Dhahhara was destroyed in a devastating earthquake on April 25, 2015.

The historic building was built by Prime Minister Bhimsen Thapa in 1832. The earthquake in the 1934 earthquake was also damaged and it was rebuilt during Prime Minister Juddhash Shamsher Rana's time.

Nepal-China joint venture GIETC-Raman J / V has been given a reconstruction project. The project is expected to be completed in two years, with the cost of Rs.3,55 billion.



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