Emigration is the act of leaving one's native country with the intent to settle temporarily
or permanently in other countries or migration across national boundaries. An
estimated three million Nepalese are migrant workers who have gone abroad earning
foreign currencies. The nation, with 26.4 million population has sent more than 10
percent of its people to work far away, who are of productive age group, that is, from
20 to 40 years of age. This figure does not include the population who are employed
in India, estimated to be around 3 million. Since Nepalese do not need visa and workpermit to work in Indian job market, no exact figure can be maintained and obtained
for this trend that dates back centuries. Nepal Government’s Department of Foreign
Employment (DoFE)(2014) data shows that a majority of the migrant Nepali workers
are engaged in 3D works (Difficult, Dirty, Dangerous) in various countries, from Qatar
to Malaysia and from South Korea to Israel. However, negligible portions of this work
force has found managerial or some kind of ‘decent’ jobs in the host countries.
The number of Nepali workers leaving home for foreign employment is increasing
every year. An official figure shows that a total of 527,814 Nepali men and women left
the country in the fiscal year 2013-2014 (DoFE, 2014). In addition, the data maintained
by DoFEdoes not include records of individuals who leave the country for foreign